Extreme Weather Condition for Aviation over the Donets Ridge on August 22, 2006

B. E. Peskov, A. A. Alekseeva, and S. E. Chernyi

Synoptic, aerological, satellite, and radar data are analyzed to detect space and time evolution of aviation-hazardous weather in Donbass on August 22, 2006. The forecasts of dangerous convective activity, of convective cloud top heights, and of convective cloud location within the frontal zone, produced with an operational forecasting technology at the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, suggest extremely hazardous conditions in Donbass; mesoscale analysis, based on classical rules, gives additional information. Special conditions favoring the convective activity were a wave disturbance at the polar front, convective instability at the time of its maximum development, and effects of upland and of proximity of the sea.

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