Modeling the Response of Microwave Self-Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere System to Horizontal Heat Transfer in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

A. G. Grankov, Yu. D. Resnyanskii, E. P. Novichikhin, and A. A. Mil'shin

Carried out is the study of the response of microwave radiation of the ocean-atmosphere system to the horizontal heat transfer in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Model estimates are obtained for the radiation on the wavelengths of 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.35, and 1.6 cm. It is demonstrated that the value and sign of brightness temperature contrasts induced by the horizontal transfer depend on the ABL density stratification and transfer direction relative to the orientation of horizontal gradients of air temperature and air humidity. Variations of brightness temperature in the ABL at the wavelength of 1.35 cm reach 30–40 K. Observed is the high correlation between the variations of brightness tempera¬ture in the ABL at the wavelength of 1.35 cm and the vertical fluxes of sensible and latent heat for dif¬ferent types of the ABL stratification and for different conditions of advective transport.

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