Cloud Water Content Effects on Computing Spectral Characteristics of Temperature Fields and Turbulent Heat Fluxes in the Cumulus Cloud Zones as Derived from Airborne Observations

A. M. Strunin

Analyzed are the earlier obtained data on the dynamic structure of cumulus (convective) clouds in order to estimate cloud water content effects on the air temperature, computed turbulent fluxes, and their spectral characteristics. It is demonstrated that the cloud and precipitation droplets falling to the aircraft temperature sensor provoke an error in temperature measurements. Developed is a method for taking into account these effects and for computing the correct air temperature fluctuations in the cloud, wavelet spectra of the temperature, and wavelet cospectra of heat fluxes. The use of the method enabled to construct a consistent picture of horizontal heat flux distribution in the cumulus zone depending on the wave number and cloud location. It is shown that mesoscale eddies with the scale of more than 500 m are the main factors of heat exchange between clouds and the ambient space, and the role of turbulence consists only in the mixing inside the cloud. The conclusion is made that the temperature adjustment to the water content of the cloud is needed for correct interpretation of the results of aircraft observations of dynamic structure of cumulus clouds.

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