Analysis Interannual Variations of Total Ozone over Russia in 1973–2002 from Measurements at Ground-Based Stations

I. L. Karol, O. A. Syrovatkina, A. A. Solomatnikova, and A. M. Shalomyanskii

Interannual variations of monthly mean and annual mean values of total ozone (TO) for 1973–2002 and for two subperiods (1973–1987 and 1988–2002) are considered using measurements from Roshydromet ground-based network stations averaged over five regions of the Russian Federation. Groups are identified with high annual mean and December–March mean total ozone with warm lower stratosphere of the Arctic in winter and with low total ozone with a cold stratosphere. The statistical significance of the difference between annual mean and winter mean total ozone for these groups is estimated foe the whole period and for the two half-periods, along with a connection of total ozone of these groups with quasi-biennial oscillations of the equatorial zonal flow and with the Arctic and North Atlantic oscillations. These connections can be used for the estimation of expected interannual deviations of the mean TO values by regions and seasons.

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