Atmosphere Data Assimilation System for the Siberian Region with the WRF-ARW Model and Three-dimensional Variational Analysis WRF 3D-Var

R. B. Zaripov, Yu. V. Martynova, c, V. N. Krupchatnikov, and A. P. Petrov

The system of the cyclic assimilation of data on atmospheric conditions used in the West Siberian Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring is described. It is based on the WRF-ARW mesoscale atmospheric model and on the WRF 3D-Var system of the three-dimensi- onal variational analysis of data. The system is verified when the first approximation data (6-hour forecast) and WRF-ARW forecasts with the lead time up to 24 hours are compared with the observa- tional data. The problems of assimilation of observations from the AMSU-A and AIRS satellite instru- ments are considered. The effect of using AMSU-A and AIRS for the analysis in the Novosibirsk region is estimated. The experiments demonstrated that the cyclic data assimilation system operates successfully. The AMSU-A observations improve the quality of analyses and forecasts in winter. In summer the impact of satellite observations on the forecast skill scores is ambiguous. Good short-term forecasts are provided by the initial conditions obtained using the system of detailing of the NCEP large-scale analysis.

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