Simulation of Inertial Oscillations Induced by a Strong Storm by the Operational Circulation Model of the Black Sea

A. L. Kholod and G. K. Korotaev

The intense storm passed over the Black Sea during about half a day in November 2007. The operational hydrodynamic model which was used at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute at that time, simulated the variability of sea basin fields in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. One of the interesting aspects of marine dynamics is the excitation of highly intense inertial oscillations across the basin. Inertial oscillations are originally developed in the surface sea layer and have high spatial coherence. Their intensity decreases with time. The damping of inertial oscillations in the upper sea layer is caused by their propagation deep into the sea. The main characteristics of oscillations are presented, and the requirements to the circulation model for their more accurate quantitative description are discussed.

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