Sulfide Sulfur in Lake Baikal Sediments

D. N. Gar’kusha, Yu. A. Fedorov, N. S. Tambieva, Yu. A. Andreev,
and O. A. Mikhailenko

The distribution of sulfide sulfur in different parts of Lake Baikal in 2014 and 2015 is analyzed. The concentration of sulfide sulfur in the bottom sediments varied from 0.002 to 0.830 mg/g dry weight (the average value is 0.042 mg/g). Maximum concentration of sulfide sulfur in the lake sedi- ments were typical of the northern region, where the Upper Angara and Kichera rivers flow into, and of some stations on the profile along the Selenga River mouth as well as of the stations located in the zone of underwater discharge of wastewater from the town of Baikalsk and from the Baikalsk Pipe and Paper Mill closed in 2013. This is associated with the active inflow of organic matter to the water column and sediments in such zones.

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